Cultural heritage

During excavation seasons, emergency consolidation of the architectural remains was conducted by Manolis Kasotakis and his team, under the supervision of the Ephorate of Lasithi. Technical studies are now undertaken to prepare a plan of site conservation.

See below videos showing the Quartier de la forge and Tumulus 47.04 during emergency consolidation.

To facilitate the transportation of sand and cement necessary for the emergency consolidation of the Quartier de la forge, the path leading to the settlement was cleaned and enlarged.

More than 800 m of water pipes were also lifted from the village to bring water until the Quartier de la Forge.

NO PLASTIC BAGS ON SITE! To collect the archaeological material during excavations we exclusively use our homemade recyclable canvas bags!


F. Gaignerot-Driessen, P. Baulain, G. Erny, B. Jagou, C. Judson, A. Lattard, R. Machavoine,  A. Paillard 2022. Fouilles de l’Anavlochos IV: L’agglomération urbaine du vallon central et la nécropole, Bulletin archéologiques des Écoles françaises à l’étranger 3.

F. Gaignerot-Driessen, P. Baulain, G. Erny, B. Jagou, R. Machavoine, O. Vanwalleghem 2020. Fouilles de l’Anavlochos III: L’agglomération urbaine du vallon central et la nécropole de Lami, Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger 1.